Pupil Premium Funding

Statement of intent

At Kingsfold Primary School, we are committed to providing quality first teaching and learning experiences which benefit all our children. This involves a commitment to staff professional development and training.  We make every effort through our wider strategies to remove barriers to learning and we have high expectations for pupil behaviour.  We provide targeted academic support through class support strategies and through interventions as appropriate.  We work with relevant agencies to ensure that our pupils and their families can access early help support that they need, in a timely manner supported by our own Family Support Worker.  We have high expectations for our children and strive to maintain and improve our standards as we recover from the effects of COVID pandemic.

Our main long-term aims are:

  • To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
  • For all disadvantaged pupils in school to make nationally expected progress rates.
  • To support our children’s health and wellbeing to enable them to access learning at an appropriate level.
  • To remove barriers to learning so that our children can reach their full potential. This includes behaviour management to ensure that all children can ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe’ in line with our Behaviour Policy.

We aim to do this through:

  • Ensuring that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all the pupils. First quality teaching and tailored support are used effectively.
  • Ensuring that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to all vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of disadvantaged pupils are addressed.
  • Recognition that some pupils who receive Pupil Premium funding are high attaining and that they need to be challenged to reach their full potential.
  • Recognition that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
  • Recognition that pupils may need support with one area at a time (e.g., reading) and that interventions for many areas at one time may be detrimental to the well-being of the child.
  • Pupil voice – a key indicator of where support is required and of attitudes to learning.
  • Positive communication and relationships with parents developed.


Our drivers and intent underpin our school curriculum and long-term vision:


Kingsfold children will leave having built up resilience.  They need the opportunities to become resilient to be able to deal with different challenges across the curriculum and in the wider world. They will develop the ability to solve problems without giving up.  Developing the skills to work independently and become resourceful will be key to this.



Kingsfold children will leave being inquisitive.  They will question the way the world was in the past, is now and begin to think about how it will possibly look in the future.  The children will look beyond the local community and question both local and global issues.   They will be expressive and creative in their nature and recognise the need to be individual.  They will value diversity and celebrate British values.



 Kingsfold children will leave school having been challenged.  Children will be motivated by success from challenging themselves.  This attitude and success will be praised and encouraged.  They will set personal goals to aspire to.  Curriculum subjects will allow children the chance to aim high.  Kingsfold children will leave school accepting challenges and seeing these as a positive.  Their ambition will be boundless.

Identification of pupils

We would like to make you aware of our Pupil Premium Programme and the opportunities this provides for pupils here at Kingsfold School.


Ever 6 

The pupil premium for 2020 to 2021 includes pupils recorded in the January 2020 school census who are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any of the previous 6 years.


Children adopted from care or who have left care

At Kingsfold Primary School our PP Funding will be allocated according to need and in the following Priority order, taking into account individual circumstances;

  • Looked After Children in receipt of FSM;
  • Looked After Children or adopted children;
  • Children of families currently in receipt of FSM;
  • Children of families who have previously been eligible for FSM (Ever 6);
  • Ever 6 Service child/ren.  



Monitoring of Funding

Funding is used to provide support and to fund intervention strategies, as necessary.  The Headteacher and the PPG Governor are responsible for the quality assurance of the interventions.  A copy of the Pupil Premium Grant and Pupil Premium audit will also be available on the school website.

The audit includes;

  1. The amount of Pupil Premium funding in the current year.
  2. Details of future spend.
  3. Details of how the previous year’s funding was spent.
  4. The impact on the educational attainment of pupils identified as Pupil Premium.

We have been fortunate to be able to offer additional support as a result of our current funding, but we are keen to do more. We know that there are many other areas we could develop and we are keen to enhance our pupil support and intervention provision for all pupils.


If you feel your son/daughter may be eligible for Free School Meals we would encourage you to apply. Even if your son/daughter does not subsequently take up the meals in school, we would receive valuable additional funding to develop our pupil support provision. If your son/daughter may meet one of the other criteria for Pupil Premium please contact me in school for a discreet discussion.




Please be assured that other pupils would not be made aware of your son/daughter’s eligibility and this information is shared confidentially within school.


If you have any further questions about Pupil Premium please do not hesitate to contact me at school. If you believe your son/daughter may be eligible please contact the school office to find out more.

Academic Year 2024-2025

Pupil premium strategy statement December 2024.pdf .pdf
PPG Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Pupil_premium_strategy_statement Sept 23 reviewed September 2024 1.pdf .pdf

Pupil Premium Funding

Statement of intent

At Kingsfold Primary School, we are committed to providing quality first teaching and learning experiences which benefit all our children. This involves a commitment to staff professional development and training.  We make every effort through our wider strategies to remove barriers to learning and we have high expectations for pupil behaviour.  We provide targeted academic support through class support strategies and through interventions as appropriate.  We work with relevant agencies to ensure that our pupils and their families can access early help support that they need, in a timely manner supported by our own Family Support Worker.  We have high expectations for our children and strive to maintain and improve our standards as we recover from the effects of COVID pandemic.

Our main long-term aims are:

  • To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
  • For all disadvantaged pupils in school to make nationally expected progress rates.
  • To support our children’s health and wellbeing to enable them to access learning at an appropriate level.
  • To remove barriers to learning so that our children can reach their full potential. This includes behaviour management to ensure that all children can ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe’ in line with our Behaviour Policy.

We aim to do this through:

  • Ensuring that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all the pupils. First quality teaching and tailored support are used effectively.
  • Ensuring that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to all vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of disadvantaged pupils are addressed.
  • Recognition that some pupils who receive Pupil Premium funding are high attaining and that they need to be challenged to reach their full potential.
  • Recognition that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
  • Recognition that pupils may need support with one area at a time (e.g., reading) and that interventions for many areas at one time may be detrimental to the well-being of the child.
  • Pupil voice – a key indicator of where support is required and of attitudes to learning.
  • Positive communication and relationships with parents developed.


Our drivers and intent underpin our school curriculum and long-term vision:


Kingsfold children will leave having built up resilience.  They need the opportunities to become resilient to be able to deal with different challenges across the curriculum and in the wider world. They will develop the ability to solve problems without giving up.  Developing the skills to work independently and become resourceful will be key to this.



Kingsfold children will leave being inquisitive.  They will question the way the world was in the past, is now and begin to think about how it will possibly look in the future.  The children will look beyond the local community and question both local and global issues.   They will be expressive and creative in their nature and recognise the need to be individual.  They will value diversity and celebrate British values.



 Kingsfold children will leave school having been challenged.  Children will be motivated by success from challenging themselves.  This attitude and success will be praised and encouraged.  They will set personal goals to aspire to.  Curriculum subjects will allow children the chance to aim high.  Kingsfold children will leave school accepting challenges and seeing these as a positive.  Their ambition will be boundless.

Identification of pupils

We would like to make you aware of our Pupil Premium Programme and the opportunities this provides for pupils here at Kingsfold School.


Ever 6 

The pupil premium for 2020 to 2021 includes pupils recorded in the January 2020 school census who are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any of the previous 6 years.


Children adopted from care or who have left care

At Kingsfold Primary School our PP Funding will be allocated according to need and in the following Priority order, taking into account individual circumstances;

  • Looked After Children in receipt of FSM;
  • Looked After Children or adopted children;
  • Children of families currently in receipt of FSM;
  • Children of families who have previously been eligible for FSM (Ever 6);
  • Ever 6 Service child/ren.  



Monitoring of Funding

Funding is used to provide support and to fund intervention strategies, as necessary.  The Headteacher and the PPG Governor are responsible for the quality assurance of the interventions.  A copy of the Pupil Premium Grant and Pupil Premium audit will also be available on the school website.

The audit includes;

  1. The amount of Pupil Premium funding in the current year.
  2. Details of future spend.
  3. Details of how the previous year’s funding was spent.
  4. The impact on the educational attainment of pupils identified as Pupil Premium.

We have been fortunate to be able to offer additional support as a result of our current funding, but we are keen to do more. We know that there are many other areas we could develop and we are keen to enhance our pupil support and intervention provision for all pupils.


If you feel your son/daughter may be eligible for Free School Meals we would encourage you to apply. Even if your son/daughter does not subsequently take up the meals in school, we would receive valuable additional funding to develop our pupil support provision. If your son/daughter may meet one of the other criteria for Pupil Premium please contact me in school for a discreet discussion.




Please be assured that other pupils would not be made aware of your son/daughter’s eligibility and this information is shared confidentially within school.


If you have any further questions about Pupil Premium please do not hesitate to contact me at school. If you believe your son/daughter may be eligible please contact the school office to find out more.

Academic Year 2024-2025

Pupil premium strategy statement December 2024.pdf .pdf
PPG Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Pupil_premium_strategy_statement Sept 23 reviewed September 2024 1.pdf .pdf

Pupil Premium Funding

Statement of intent

At Kingsfold Primary School, we are committed to providing quality first teaching and learning experiences which benefit all our children. This involves a commitment to staff professional development and training.  We make every effort through our wider strategies to remove barriers to learning and we have high expectations for pupil behaviour.  We provide targeted academic support through class support strategies and through interventions as appropriate.  We work with relevant agencies to ensure that our pupils and their families can access early help support that they need, in a timely manner supported by our own Family Support Worker.  We have high expectations for our children and strive to maintain and improve our standards as we recover from the effects of COVID pandemic.

Our main long-term aims are:

  • To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
  • For all disadvantaged pupils in school to make nationally expected progress rates.
  • To support our children’s health and wellbeing to enable them to access learning at an appropriate level.
  • To remove barriers to learning so that our children can reach their full potential. This includes behaviour management to ensure that all children can ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe’ in line with our Behaviour Policy.

We aim to do this through:

  • Ensuring that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all the pupils. First quality teaching and tailored support are used effectively.
  • Ensuring that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to all vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of disadvantaged pupils are addressed.
  • Recognition that some pupils who receive Pupil Premium funding are high attaining and that they need to be challenged to reach their full potential.
  • Recognition that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
  • Recognition that pupils may need support with one area at a time (e.g., reading) and that interventions for many areas at one time may be detrimental to the well-being of the child.
  • Pupil voice – a key indicator of where support is required and of attitudes to learning.
  • Positive communication and relationships with parents developed.


Our drivers and intent underpin our school curriculum and long-term vision:


Kingsfold children will leave having built up resilience.  They need the opportunities to become resilient to be able to deal with different challenges across the curriculum and in the wider world. They will develop the ability to solve problems without giving up.  Developing the skills to work independently and become resourceful will be key to this.



Kingsfold children will leave being inquisitive.  They will question the way the world was in the past, is now and begin to think about how it will possibly look in the future.  The children will look beyond the local community and question both local and global issues.   They will be expressive and creative in their nature and recognise the need to be individual.  They will value diversity and celebrate British values.



 Kingsfold children will leave school having been challenged.  Children will be motivated by success from challenging themselves.  This attitude and success will be praised and encouraged.  They will set personal goals to aspire to.  Curriculum subjects will allow children the chance to aim high.  Kingsfold children will leave school accepting challenges and seeing these as a positive.  Their ambition will be boundless.

Identification of pupils

We would like to make you aware of our Pupil Premium Programme and the opportunities this provides for pupils here at Kingsfold School.


Ever 6 

The pupil premium for 2020 to 2021 includes pupils recorded in the January 2020 school census who are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any of the previous 6 years.


Children adopted from care or who have left care

At Kingsfold Primary School our PP Funding will be allocated according to need and in the following Priority order, taking into account individual circumstances;

  • Looked After Children in receipt of FSM;
  • Looked After Children or adopted children;
  • Children of families currently in receipt of FSM;
  • Children of families who have previously been eligible for FSM (Ever 6);
  • Ever 6 Service child/ren.  



Monitoring of Funding

Funding is used to provide support and to fund intervention strategies, as necessary.  The Headteacher and the PPG Governor are responsible for the quality assurance of the interventions.  A copy of the Pupil Premium Grant and Pupil Premium audit will also be available on the school website.

The audit includes;

  1. The amount of Pupil Premium funding in the current year.
  2. Details of future spend.
  3. Details of how the previous year’s funding was spent.
  4. The impact on the educational attainment of pupils identified as Pupil Premium.

We have been fortunate to be able to offer additional support as a result of our current funding, but we are keen to do more. We know that there are many other areas we could develop and we are keen to enhance our pupil support and intervention provision for all pupils.


If you feel your son/daughter may be eligible for Free School Meals we would encourage you to apply. Even if your son/daughter does not subsequently take up the meals in school, we would receive valuable additional funding to develop our pupil support provision. If your son/daughter may meet one of the other criteria for Pupil Premium please contact me in school for a discreet discussion.




Please be assured that other pupils would not be made aware of your son/daughter’s eligibility and this information is shared confidentially within school.


If you have any further questions about Pupil Premium please do not hesitate to contact me at school. If you believe your son/daughter may be eligible please contact the school office to find out more.

Academic Year 2024-2025

Pupil premium strategy statement December 2024.pdf .pdf
PPG Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Pupil_premium_strategy_statement Sept 23 reviewed September 2024 1.pdf .pdf