Kingsfold Eco-Council

Eco Warriors

At Kingsfold, we are passionate about addressing environmental issues throughout our school.  We believe that an eco-school encourages us to think hard about our planet and ways we can help to protect it.

Our 'Eco-Warriors' team is made up of children from KS2 led by Mrs Bretherton.  We feel it is important that the children understand what the role of an Eco-Warriors entails and encourage them to volunteer to spread the message of how to help enhance the environment and community we live in throughout school and to the wider community.



Eco 2022-2023



Year 6 Cleo, Robyn and Freya

Year 4/5 Ella H and Gypsy May

Year 3 and 4 - 

School Eco Council Action Plan 2122.pdf .pdf

Eco Newsletters

Eco Newsletter Autumn Term 2.pdf .pdf
Eco Newsletter Summer term.pdf .pdf


The Environment

Being an Eco Warrior is an ideal opportunity for our pupils to get more involved in the way Kingsfold Primary is run and help us to be more environmentally friendly. The Eco-Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made.  Eco-Warriors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation and allows them to further explore our curriculum intent of resilience, inquisitiveness and challenge. It is the responsibility of each Eco Warrior to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.

Planting Trees

On Friday 3rd December 2021, National Grid and Babcocks came to school to donate and plant 12 mature trees onto our school grounds. The children are hoping that these trees will attract more nature to our grounds and also make the area look much nicer. Each child in school also received a seedling Christmas tree to take home and plant in their own garden. 


Recycling across school

In Autumn term, we will begin recycling crisp packets in school using a company called Terracycle. TerraCycle is an innovative recycling company that has become a global leader in recycling typically hard-to-recycle waste. The crisp packets will be collected in the hall each day.  Once Terracycle make the collection from school, the crisp packets are separated by plastic type, cleaned, and extruded into plastic pellets to make new recycled products. 

Litter Pick

On Friday 11th February at lunchtime, we will be doing a litter pick on the school grounds to make sure we have a safe and tidy environment.


Willow Tunnel and Dome

In Spring term 2022, we had a willow dome and tunnels installed in our Eco area on the school field. This is a much visited part of our wonderful school grounds and the children thoroughly enjoy playing in it.