Welcome to Kingsfold, we are proud of our school.


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Kingsfold Primary School's website, where our commitment to providing an enriching and nurturing environment is paramount. As the head teacher, I take immense pride in leading a dedicated team of staff who are passionate about inspiring our students to reach their full potential.


At Kingsfold Primary School, we strive to create a vibrant community where education is a shared responsibility. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our curriculum is designed to engage our pupils while fostering resilience, inquisitiveness and challenge.


To ensure the best outcomes for the children, we believe it is crucial to build partnerships between school, children and home.  We value the contribution made by parents and carers towards their child’s education and as a school we will be available to discuss any concerns you may have.  As you explore our school and its offerings, I encourage you to engage with staff and children alike. Together, we can create a partnership that enhances the educational journey for all our learners.


Here at Kingsfold, every day is an open day therefore visits are strongly encouraged to see the daily workings of the school and can be arranged through the school office on; 01772 743531.


Mrs. Tierney

Events Calendar


Chicken Pox
24/03/2025 9:15 AM

Chicken Pox

 There have been 3 reported cases of chicken pox at school.

Recommended period to be kept away from school or pre-school

Until all spots have crusted over

Vulnerable children 

Some medical conditions make children vulnerable to infections that would rarely be serious in most children, these include those being treated for leukaemia or other cancers, on high doses of steroids and with conditions that seriously reduce immunity. Schools and nurseries and childminders will normally have been made aware of such children. These children are particularly vulnerable to chickenpox, measles and parvovirus B19 and, if exposed to either of these, the parent/carer should be informed promptly and further medical advice sought. It may be advisable for these children to have additional immunisations, for example pneumococcal and influenza. This guidance is designed to give general advice to schools and childcare settings. Some vulnerable children may need further precautions to be taken, which should be discussed with the parent or carer in conjunction with their medical team and school health. 

Female staff or parents

If a pregnant woman develops a rash or is in direct contact with someone with a potentially infectious rash, this should be investigated by a doctor who can contact the duty room for further advice. The greatest risk to pregnant women from such infections comes from their own child/children, rather than the workplace. 

• Chickenpox can affect the pregnancy if a woman has not already had the infection. Report exposure to midwife and GP at any stage of pregnancy. The GP and antenatal carer will arrange a blood test to check for immunity. Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox, so anyone who has not had chickenpox is potentially vulnerable to the infection if they have close contact with a case of shingles.

Crazy Hair Day
7/03/2025 9:35 AM
Crazy Hair Day

Crazy Hair Day

£1 Breakfast Drop-off
7/03/2025 9:27 AM
£1 Breakfast Drop-off

£1 Breakfast Drop-off

Easter Bingo
7/03/2025 9:27 AM
Easter Bingo

Easter Bingo